Our service manager will review your request and add you to our service queue. This usually happens within 24 business hours. In the meantime, there’s nothing you need to do.
Once everything looks good, you'll receive an email confirmation with your service details.
If you have any questions, call (618) 564-2080 and ask for our service manager, Claire.
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Basic vs Premium Service
Basic Service
Premium Service
Spring Special: Oct 1, 2022 - Feb 28, 2023
Clean or replace air filter
Change oil & oil filter
Grease all fittings
Replace spark plugs
Check belts
Sharpen and balance blades
Replace fuel filter
Check tire pressure
Check battery
Free Pickup & DeliveryThrough 1/31/2023. For the first 15 miles, 60 miles round trip
40 Point Service check Engine & fuel system, drive system, mowing system, electrical components, and chassis
Lite clean up
Residential mowers from $125
Commercial mowers from $200
Residential mowers from $289
Commercial mowers from $419
Belt installations will require extra labor charges. Any additional repairs or parts installation will be completed at regular shop rate after customer approval. Some items above may not apply to all units.